Thursday, July 26, 2012

The World Moves On

Three young girls were lost that day and never will be found.
Not a single grave was placed into the ground.
No where to go when the world becomes too hard.
They get no free space or even a wild card.

Since no space was taken to bury the forgotten - the dead.
There was no set spot to rest the swollen, crushed, bruised head.
There was no memorial stone for him to be remembered by.
There is no place for them to go when all they want to do is cry.

No closure that this experience really is true,
no set reason for them to act the way they do.
There is no ending to the tragedy that life had brought
Especially when the world has already forgot.

With no place for their father to lay,
They didn't know that it will be okay.
With all that suffereing that was goin on,
The rest of this uncaring world moves on.

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