Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Cookie Baker

In a cookie factory upon a lavish hill,
there was a cookie baker with an undying will.
Every cookie from this factory will be made to perfection,
and each cookie will win over its customers affection.
So the cookie factory began to run insane tests,
and only the ones that passed will be announced the very best.
All the cookies that crumbled or didn't look the same
were placed in the trash can because they didn't meed the bakers aim.
In all the perfection no one ever did see
the beauty that those broken cookies slowly came to be.
All the frosting mixtures, and the colors galore.
Oh what tastes those cookies had in store!
But since no one ever looked away from the cookie cutter ways,
the world ate the same "perfect" cookies for the rest of their days.

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