Friday, September 12, 2014

Life's Battle

Running is time to figure yourself out.

It rids the body of unwanted toxins.

It cleanses you.

It makes you whole again.

Its empty’s the mind, and washes all your troubles away.

It restores you.

It resets your life’s equilibrium.

As it rejuvenates you, it hardens your heart.

It puts all your troubles aside and prepares you.

It brings out the warrior within you.

It prepares you for battle.

Life’s battle.


Your facial mask isn’t needed.
Your “beauty” creams and powders.
Where you are going,
it’ll just run down your face anyways.

Your long wavy and frizzy hair
need not be tamed just yet.
Don’t give that mirror a second look
just pull your locks out of your eyes.

Your closet need not be bothered
nor clothes strewn across the room.
Just find something you can move in
it need not match at all.

Your phone blasting with today’s drama
your chores, your daily tasks,
leave it on the table.
There is no room for it where you’re going.

Lace up your favorite pair of workout shoes,
Any old pair will do.
Lace them snug against your feet,
And take the first step out of the door.

 The pavement will not judge you,
It’s just glad you’re there.
The trees will not laugh
at your makeup less face or your tangled hair.

Just make your way down the street,
At your own, personal pace
Walk or run just take your time,
This is your own special place.

Your Message

You are very clever.

If I hadn’t known you, loved you,

Or needed you so desperately,

I wouldn’t have noticed that it was even there.


Random feathers clinging desperately to objects,

Hiding in plain sight.

A message that nobody understands, but me.


As people walk right by, they are oblivious.

Oblivious to the small, hardly noticeable,

Insignificant messages.

One that they could never decode.


This heaven sent note,

like my own personal bread crumbs,

you leave for me to follow.


Your beautiful, yet random feathers,

That I pluck from stranger’s hair,

I hold so dear.

I know that they are for me.

Your message, your love,

Your sign that you are here.

Your message that I love,

Oh I hold them so dear!

Your Vicious Fun

When you were out having your teenage fun,

Did it ever occur to you the damage you’ve done?

The broken windows, the paint ball stains,

the shattered glass on the chipped black panes.

Your spray paint pictures on the walls,

With my childhood toys, still strew, down the halls.

As you destroyed this house, did you even care?

About the family who once lived there?

My only faded memories of my deceased dad,

In this house I once had.

So the more that you fucked with this place you were in,

The more you destroyed, my only, memories of him.

Death of a Hero

Empty. The barley standing, falling apart mess was empty.
Despite the loud moans of the house settling into the earth,
the silence awoke me, ringing in my ears.
Barefooted, in an oversized t-shit, I ran from room to room panicking.
Frightened, anxious, alone, I peered out of the window.
Realizing that no one was home, I crawled into a ball and cried.
Feeling as though I had sat there forever, I began to wonder.
Why did they leave, where did they go, what do I do?
As I began strategizing, the front door creaked open,
He walked in. My superhero, my best friend, my dad.
Holding me as tight as a seven year old should be held,
I blamed him for leaving me as I sobbed into his work shirt.
I was just outside, he said sympathetically.
I would never leave you.
His words, so strong, and so reassuring echoed.

Then, I found myself barley standing. Falling apart, a mess, empty.
While the voices of those around me were loud and unbearable,
I stood there, unable to breathe, consumed by silence.
Exposed, in my funeral clothes, my mind raced from memory to memory panicking.
Numb, confused, alone, I peered into the casket at the crushed, swollen face.
Realizing he wouldn’t wake up, I fell to the floor and began to sob.
Feeling like this day would never end, reality flooded my mind.
Why did he have to leave, where did his spirit go, what do I do?
As I stood there in shock, I remembered the door creaking open.
He will no longer walk in. My superhero, my best friend, my dad.
He will never hold me again like any young girl should be held,
And again, I blamed him for leaving me as I sobbed over his casket.
Laying there, he said nothing.
You promised you never leave me.
My whisper, so desperate, and so lost echoed

Who are the real terrorists?

Who are the real terrorists?

Sirens echo in the September air

as people run everywhere.

Two twin towers crumble before our eyes

Through the radio we listen to their sobs, their cries.

Gun shots, like rain, pour on this March day

As American soldiers head into the town of My Lai.

As the villagers eat their morning meal,

The soldiers head in to search, to kill.

As ash falls throughout the city, so unprepared

The firefighters go in, ready but scared.

As they try to get the most people out,

the towers being to fall they panic, they shout.

In a small town with no men of fighting age,

The soldiers still kill, this war that we wage.

Raping the women, engraving them with a “C”

Marking them as victims of the C Company.


In our ambulance we sit ready with our medical supplies,

We listen to them pray, and state their many goodbyes.

As the buildings crash into the ground,

Radio static becomes the only sound…

Scalping the children, cutting out their tongues,

Not caring if they were just little ones.

As they piled the bodies side by side,

In the ditch is where these innocent and lifeless civilians reside.

All over the news, even today,

We hear about the twin towers and that dreadful day.

The media made sure that the enemy was known,

But are American’s really the victims like the screen has shown?

How many people know about the massacre in My Lai?

Do they celebrate remembrance of that dreadful day?

America and all our glorious power,

Made sure that this story was hidden, our terrorist hour.