Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The True Meaning of Christmas

Ah! Christmas the most wonderful time of the year! Who wouldn't love Christmas? If you hate Christmas you must be communist! There is nothing better then embracing the spirit of Christmas. Nothing better then listening to Christmas carols while taking down your Halloween decortations. By the time December actually hits the songs have been so over played we are practically brain washed. Oh and everyone loves family time! All the teenagers are texting each other during the family party "yeah, i came because I have been horrible all year and need to comvince my parents at the last minute that I deserve the new iphone four." "oh really man?! I came for the food!!' I'd have to admit... My favorite time of the year is using the Santa excuse! "Son if you don't rub my feet, shovel the drive way, and give away your dog SANTA IS NOT COMING!" *secretly giggles to himsef... little does he know I am Santa* Oh yes and there is nothing better then being woke up at seven in the morning on the only day that I can sleep in to run upstairs only to find oranges and nuts in my stalking. Like really Santa, I bake you cookies and the best you can come up with is nuts?!
Although I never really feel the true meaning of Christmas until school starts back up and all the rich kids are wearing their really expensive clothes and showing off their new beats head phones. Yup. Christmas rocks... All the poor kids feel a little less loved and all the rich kids have more to brag about. 
Seriously, that whole giving and family stuff is so old fashioned. Please continue with the Christmas songs, "family time", and stalkings full of oranges and nuts!

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