Friday, April 27, 2012

Show Me

It's not just something you can learn,
it's something that you feel.
It's a place that you can go,
when you want something real.

It's the sounds that you make
I see the notes in my mind
it's something so new
yet I feel so left behind.

I wish I could be part of your world
and I wish that I could see.
The passion in the music
that you play for me.

I want to feel it too,
but I know I never will.
Show me your world and
show me what you feel.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Magic Touch

Before you walked into my life,
I got rid of the pain with a knife.
Before you ran your fingers through my hair,
a smile I did not ever wear.

Before my you held my hand for all the world to see,
I wasn't the girl I hoped I would be.
Before you whispered in my ear,
suicide was my only fear.

Before you took me in and held me tight,
nothing in the world ever felt right.
Before the pain had gotten too much
you healed me with your magic touch.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Underdog, The Loser, & The Broken

I root for the underdog, I know what it's like.
To give it your best, to put up a fight.
I root for the underdog, I know the feeling
in a life like this there's no such thing as healing.

I cheer for the loser everyone needs a fan
there's nothing worse then a crowd who doesn't understand.
I cheer for the loser at the finish line
time doesn't matter, who cares about the finishing time.

I hope for the broken, the bruised and the torn
I how it feels and the fake smiles they they have worn.
I hope for the broken, I hope they understand
there is people out there who care, who want to give a hand

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Life... Why me?

Friday, April 1, 2011

When I was innocent easy to sway,
you tore me down; I lost my way.
When I was hurting, ready to break,
you made me as if I was a mistake.
When I was eager and willing ready to try,
you pushed me down and made me cry.
When I was strong and nearly unstoppable,
you found my weakness and made it possible.
When I was bruised broken and sore,
you made the pain a whole lot more.
Now that I'm swollen, hurting and in pain,
there's not much hope left for you to drain.
Now that I've quit trying and stop wanting to soar,
I can't imagine a pain that would hurt more.
Now as I'm sitting forced in the sidelines of life,
my driven qualities are lost; failure stabs me like a knife.
As I see my friends succeeding in everything they do,
I feel a wave of hurt run through me in a form brand new.
While life was busy stepping on me,
It let everyone else run wild, crazy and free...

Wanting Me Back

Sunday May 16, 2010
I told you this would happen, admit it; I was right.
And now you lay there wondering

what you did that night.

Everything you thought we had
those feelings that you felt
are now only memories
your life's cards have dealt.

Don't you wish you would seen
before your actions took control?
Don't you miss the good old days
before your broken heart took control?

Don't you wish it was me
who was torn up inside?
Don't you wish the pain would stop
and the hurt would subside?

But now you regret everything ,
and now you want those feelings you now lack.
But now you lay there wishing ,
and wanting it all back .

A Call From You

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sitting on the roof of that four story high
thinking about the pain, and life... it's a lie.
I hold my breath and close eyes letting gravity take it's part
It's time to end my life here, time to end this broken heart.

My mind is made I'm stepping off the edge and seconds before I do
I feel my cell phone buzzing in my pocket; It's a call from you.
I stare at my phone for a minute and decided this call would be my last
I held it up to ear... as my the tears they came fast

I told you what I planned to do, and told you the reason why
you begged me to wait for you, on the other line you started to cry.
A couple minutes later you were there... you told me I would see
You held me back from what I thought would be the end of me

So blind that even death could see

Wednesday March 10, 2010

If you were here I would have felt the same.
The hate would forever go on untamed.
If you were here I'd still hate you.
For all the trying you tried to do.
For trying to patch up the past forgiven you would never be
"For all the things you did to me"
And now the feeling haunts me like an unforgiving ghost
And now I realize what hurts the most
is it took so much hate to realize I loved you
and it took death to let the love shine through

Youre the poem I can't write

Wednesday February 17, 2019

Take me by the hand and look into my eyes.
Heal my pain, and see past my disguise.
Want what is best for me, what is true, and right.
Call me on the phone on your restless night.
Keep your distance but stay near.
Calm my each and every fear.
Listen to my wants, and heal my every pain
make me want you so bad that i start to go insane

Heart Strings

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Heart Strings

The way you acted, and the things you said
engraved your memory in my head.
I found charm in the eyes of a stranger
and put my heart in complete danger.

Things got worse as days went by,
the strings were sown by every "Hi".
A little pinch here, and a little pinch there
for you the pain I would bare.

Pain became pleasure by every thought
You don't even realize the tragedy you brought.
I would hold my breath as you walked by,
Hoping for a glace, a smile, a "Hi".

The strings were pulled tighter please understand,
and now they rest inside your hand.
Something invisible secret you see,
because we don't belong you and me...

I know you don't mean it you didn't know
the strings that appeared and started to grow.
The strings that pulled and tugged in me,
wanting the two of us to be.

They pulled even harder when I saw you with her,
Pretty soon we became a blur.
The strings attached from your hand to my heart,
started to rip and pull apart.

You didn't understand when you started to pull,
those little strings took their toll.
The strings attached inside my chest,
you didn't notice there was nothing left.

Don't Want to be a Princess

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I don't want to be a princess who stands weak at the knee
waiting for my prince charming to come and rescue me.
I don't want to depend on one person to always treat me right
because one day we'll far apart and he wont hold me tight.
I don't want to depend on one person for the rest of my life,
never will I want to be a princess, queen, or wife.
I don't want to be another girl in a wedding dress on a special day,
because its just one day, and that feeling will fade away.
I don't want to live my life waiting for the perfect guy
why do girls even set their expectations so high?
I don't want to be another statistic never will I play that part,
because never will I want to be a girl with a broken heart.

Take Control

She's sick of being beaten and she is sick of being torn.
She's through with all this disrespect and all these smiles that she's worn.
She's done with getting stepped on, and she's ready for something new.
She needs something good, something to get her through.

She doesn't want to act this way, and she doesn't want to cry,
but she needs some understanding and some hope to get her by.
don't push her to the edge and don't give her reasons why,
because she's not afraid to do it, she knows it's all a lie.

She wants something better, she needs it in her life.
She is praying for a reason not to pick up the knife.
She wants that happy ending in her own special way,
but she sick of all the bruises that she receives through out the day.

She's sick of this trying and getting nothing in the end.
She's done with all this happiness she knows it's just pretend.
She done with being the strong one, just look her in they eye,
She's sick of barley living and just getting by.

You know she's past her breaking point, she wants anything but to try
give her some room to breath, give her a reason why.
Some one please do something better then wreck this poor girls soul
someone please take the reigns. someone take control.

Monday, April 2, 2012

This Kind of Pain

She hugs him, and she doesn't even know that it's killing me.
She dances with him on the dance floor, and she doesn't even see.
She sits with him in the car while he teaches her to drive,
she complains to me about him when mine isn't even alive.

She jokes with him and laughs and it kills me every day,
then she asks me what is wrong I pretend like I'm okay.
He wraps his arms around her and I lose my self control
all these years without him have really taken their toll.

He threatens every young man that looks his daughters way
no teenage boy will be enough to take his girl away.
She gets mad at him for protecting her with all his might,
while i'm forced to suffer because mine has found the light.

She doesnt even realize how proud of her he is
something I'll forever lack, because mine no longer lives.
I shouldn't have to sit here in this kind of pain
while she let's his love wash slowly down the drain...